Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What is the United Nations (UN)

The United Nations (UN) is arguably the world's most important intergovernmental organization "committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights" (  To date, it is comprised of 192 members, up from the original 51 members who founded the organization on June 26, 1945 in San Francisco, California, USA as the successor to the League of Nations that aimed to prevent a recurrence of the horrors of the Second World War.

Basic Facts -
Date of UN Charter: June 26, 1945, Entry into Force: October 24, 1945
International Headquarters: International territory in New York City, USA
Official Languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish
Current Secretary-General: Ban ki-Moon (Reublic of Korea - South)
UN Charter (link):

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